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Axe (edited)

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2024-05-21 02:30:40 I know a lot of people are really impatient, and rightly so, but I have faith that this update will complete the game. It's really upsetting that it's taken this long for the game to be finished and I hope everything is still going well.
2024-05-13 19:13:29 I know a lot of people are really impatient, and rightly so, but I have faith that this update will complete the game. It's really upsetting that it's taken this long for the game to be finished and I hope everything is still going well.

I know a lot of people are really impatient, and rightly so, but I have faith that this update will complete the game. It's really upsetting that it's taken this long for the game to be finished and I hope everything is still going well.


If there is this much of a delay and all these cgis I pray for a lot of scenes and a working game, if there isn’t imma be sad