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Hello there, the month is coming to an end, and as I've stated in previous posts, my patreon will still remain open, but some changes will be done.

Some of the changes are the removal of the reference studies and monthly tutorial, but in addition of that, some will be implemented as compensation, wich are:

Up to a couple of high quality artworks. By high quality, I mean that I will try to surpass myself with every artwork I do, and providing Wallpaper versions for pc and phones. Those artworks may be from my personal art (my characters) and fanarts. Quality over quantity.

So, I'd really appreciate if I could have a feedback from you, about my art, specially from those who have been supporting my art on patreon since months. I would like to know why you support my art, what kind of rewards are you interested to get, the kind of illustrations that you'd like to see, suggestions, etc. 

I'm asking  all of this in order to get more in touch with my  supporters who I really appreciate and to learn more ways of improving my art and make your pledge worth it.

February is about to end, there might not be more full colored artworks rather than the one of Broly, but I have many sketches in store that will be delivered. I hope I could get a feedback that helps me to improve my rewards system and grow on Patreon.

These artworks are not mine, but they're an example of what I'm aiming for:



Thank you so much!



Do your best.


Well you already know why I support you as a patron but personally I'm more drawn to seeing unique characters and events. Something as simple as someone looking out a window from their bedroom, or walking down the sidewalk with their best friend and teasing each other. I also love seeing the character sheets and the ideas you put behind them, or emotionally powerful art that can strike someone to relate with them. That could be something like a slice of life or it could be something haunting. I could go on and on. Maybe for a time you can bring characters to life from stories or descriptions, or maybe characterize real people like you have done with your bio. I'm sure I have loads more feedback but I feel like this may be enough for now ahaha :)


Alright, I really appreciate it so much. And I can say, that I'm already working on something special for my characters, bringing them to life, it's a bit more like a battlefield scene, however, I also have in store more peaceful-like scenes for them, and what you say:"Emotionally powerful art that can strike someone to relate with them" I'll make sure to work on that side too! It is time to move to another level. Thank you very much!