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Hi guys! I wanted to be transparent with you about my current situation that has caused me to delay and has significantly reduced my progress on passionate personal projects here.

As much as I appreciate everyone's support VERY MUCH, the truth is that I'm not making enough on Patreon anymore, which has made me resort to working on side commissions and other gigs (which I mostly cannot share here) in order to cover my life expenses and pay surprise bills (some of them being medical).

If things remain this way, I might need to make some adjustments to my workflow and reduce the amount of intensively complicated work. This means possibly doing more fun sketchy stuff (like Gladio), more fun studies, and other fun things for more quality art content in your feeds. I greatly appreciate your patience and understanding if I am sometimes inactive while I adapt my situation’s workflow.

For now, I can only say that since I've got a very positive response on fanart overall,  I might do more sketchy requests from now on.

I appreciate it if you’ve read up to this point and again, thank you for your support, it's truly appreciated.

I wish you a nice week! :)



Very sorry to hear that. Hope you recover. In fact you are probably far from being the only one with financial struggles. A lot of people closest to me also had this issue, even before this inflation. Have you tried canceling several subscriptions that you don't need? This youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFUdDrXcW5A shows almost everything is going subscription ever since adobe controversially went cloud-only, and a part of the video mentions that most people spend more money that they think. It went from that to downright unreasonable of BMW and Mercedes to require a recurrent payment to enable the heated seats and faster acceleration feature, a physical *product*, not a *service* mechanism in the car a consumer have bought.


You do what you need to do, Xelgot. Life is rough for a freelancer, so whatever you feel you can do in order to make a living and cover your expenses, you do that as long as it's viable for your mental health as well. I personally like seeing sketches, so this sounds like a good thing to me. I wish you the best!


Inflation definitely increased cost of life and I had to increase my commission rates, and yes, I already cancelled some subscriptions here and there