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Hi everyone!

First of all I apologize for the inactivity. I really underestimated the time it would take me to finish the last two projects for this month (plus some life stuff).

Here's the finished Concept Art project of a Fan Skin Concept for Ravana from Smite, which I'm really very proud of! :') This started as an original character redesign but one thing lead to another and here I am.

Let me tell you, all the process involved to make this from beginning to end take a ridiculous and absurd amount of time. So many many hours invested on this project that I lost track of them, but it was all worth it! I have hope Hi-Rez might reach out to me and buy the rights so this concept can be translated into the game (crosses fingers).

Anyways. In case you missed it, you can see the earliest stages of this project here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/original-wip-66266912 and the previous update here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/phoenix-strike-69350589

 I'll share all the process in organized sheets as part of July rewards. Speaking of it, there's still one more artwork for July term that is near completion and that I'll post within the next few days. I appreciate your patience and support because it enables me to make these kind of projects a reality. 

HD + Artsteps + PSD + Timelapse Video will be part of July term

Btw the Timelapse video of the rendered art was only salvagable up to the finished lineart and flat colors it seems. My csp file got screwed for some reason. I'm sorry it won't show my coloring process, I hope you understand :'(




This. This kind of design is the style that REALLY resonates with me! I love it!