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Hi everyone!

Here's the finished key art of my original character Kalua. Thank you very much for voting for him! It was about time I started to work on my ocs <3 I was meaning to finish and post this by yesterday but.. I had to take the last couple of days to rest hard because apparently I was very mentally exhausted. I think yesterday I slept up to 20h combined lol.

HD + Artsteps + PSD + Timelapse Video will be part of April term

On another note, thank you so much for your support so far. Those who aren't aware, I made a very important announcement some days ago regarding some very important changes that I will start to apply starting this month (I still have pending to update my front page tier descriptions). If you missed it please check it out: https://www.patreon.com/posts/at-last-nsfw-65776672

April term rewards will be sent to your email/Patreon inbox within the next days. Please look forward to it! :))
