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Hi guys! I started this drawing like three days ago during my spare time and I was able to finish it just today. Past days have been hella busy and I really needed to draw something to relieve some stress. 

This artwork is just flat colors, but again, I was experimenting with my linework and practicing muscles of course (lol). What are your thoughts on this kind of drawings specifically? Just flat colors, muscle guys. I feel like making these kind of artworks in my spare time while I work on my main artworks. Would you like me to post more like this? Please let me know in the comments :)

Oh I forgot to mention but I made this drawing entirely on Procreate and made some final adjustments on Clip Studio. It's been AGES since last time I used Procreate for art :')

Anyways, shirtless version is a Patrepn exclusive, I hope you like it! ;)

HD + Artsteps + PSD + Timelapse Video will be part of March term




is that a hickey on his neck?


You know, a lot of TV shows like anime and such don't use a lot of shading in every shot, mostly just ones with specific lighting like night scenes or very emotional ones. The typical common shot is mostly just flats, so in a way, that kinda still looks normal to me. I'm loving your linework design choice, too!