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Hello there! 

This is a portrait I did yesterday of Honorable Hero Rama from Smite. I'm still exploring pencil-textured brushes for more casual drawings and ways to improve my lineart.

On another note, I was suffering from burn out and annoying headaches during the weekend so I took some time to sleep a lot and guess what. Who would have thought having proper rest would help me feel better? lol. Listen to your body. I usually get these burn out episodes at least once a month so I know when I have to rest and sleep a lot, I gotta rest and sleep a lot. Now it's time to catch up with some client work and Patreon stuff.

HD+ Artsteps + PSD + Timelapse Videos will be part of February term

I'm also currently working on another character artwork that I will reveal soon. Look forward to it!




I was getting those headaches like 2 weeks back cause i was doing 4/3 hour sleeps with a regular 10hr work day and yeah. Definitely sleep is amazing haha