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Quick edit with better wording and less wordy:

Hi guys! Before the year ends and before showing this month’s final artwork, I wanted to let you know about some changes coming on January 2021:

Fan art character suggestions:

New: So far, everybody have been able to suggest me characters for the monthly fan art, but due to the overwhelming number of suggestions that end up in the poll, I’ve decided to move the suggestions for the $5+ tiers so they get a fair shot at being selected.

What stays the same: Everybody will still be able to vote on the monthly fan art polls, enjoy the benefit of seeing the alt versions (when available) of my artworks and see my full work in progress in advance.


Soldier ($5) and higher tiers will also have the following additions starting on 2021:

-Voting on special polls: Help me decide on projects! Sometimes I find it hard to decide which project to tackle next so I will need your help. These will be materials Concept Art stuff, Character design, Fanart of a character I have in mind, etc.

-HD Phone Wallpapers: Each month I will provide HD Phone Wallpapers for direct download. I started doing this a couple of months ago as part of the downloadable benefits but I thought it’s worthy of mentioning. You can check my previous posts or the tag panel labeled as “download” in case you’ve missed it! :)


Warrior ($10) and higher tiers:

New: Patrons can also suggest me character pairings when I am available. I want to practice more interaction between characters and I would also like to draw more gay couples (I’m also open to other pairings). The suggestions will be submitted for voting (part of the $5+ tier special polls) and they can be either quick drawings or more polished stuff. It will all be SFW.

What stays the same: You get everything from previous tiers plus the term’s Timelapse videos and the ability to choose one previous term’s Timelapse video bundle (HD artworks included).


Knight tier ($15):

This tier has been up for those who want to support me beyond $10 a month and also for those who wanted me to help them with my assistance in art. Thank you very much guys, you know who you are.

New: I will rebuild this tier rewards from scratch and instead of providing art assistance, I decided to give patrons subscribed to this tier the ability to choose one previous term’s FULL art bundle (Linearts, Process, PSD files, Timelapse Videos).

What stays the same: It will include everything from previous tiers. This tier will be ideal for patrons who want to support me beyond $10 a month and for new patrons who want to get a past term but they missed it. You will be given a list to choose from.


Those will be the main changes that will come into effect starting 2021. I consider myself very lucky and blessed to count on your support. Thank you very much for being part of my artistic development since I started here.

Some other additions that come to my mind is opening Discord benefits, but I still need to think more about it. I will let you know if I decide to go with it.

Thank you so much for reading!! :)


Wolf Moon

I am curious, does warrior tier still allow you to suggest fan art for polls? Honestly I am considering in going up a tier xp


Yes it does! I just updated the whole post with better wording. If you have any other doubt please feel free to let me know! :)

Napoiska Fanboy

These changes feel really fair and great! I’m excited to see what you draw this year! I do have a question about suggesting pairings. Will you announce that ahead of time when you’re ready or is it okay to suggest some for this or the next month? (I also love that it’s sfw! We really need some more gay couple lovin’). Thank you. I love your work!