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Hi guys! Yesterday I realized this month has only 29 days (I thought it was gonna be 28) and since there's only 3 weeks left basically until February ends (time flies >>) I thought it would be wise to start preparing for this month's special fanart from now.

So please, fee free to let me know in the comments what character you'd like to see drawn by me this month! If there's a character you've suggested previously but didn't make it, you can suggest them again. Remember that in case you suggest more than one character, I will pick the one I think it suits best for me for the poll.

I have to say, I'm very proud the illustration I did of Kilik last month that I made it my header on my Twitter page and I have plans to implement it somehow on my Patreon page as well. Thanks guys for suggesting and voting for him! :D

I'm gonna be working on projects that I have planned for this month and will be updating in the next days and also, there's a special Leif x Aiki artwork I have planned for Valentine's day. I'm pretty excited! 



Last time I almost make it so let's try again with Mirio Togata, haha. ¡Vamos genteeeeee! X)


Alex armstrong or olivier armstrong from FMAB