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Hi guys! Since I want to make another full illustration like I did for Nightwing and Cyclops previously, I'd like to start with the process a bit early this month so I can finish it properly in time! And who knows, perhaps if time allows it, I may draw the 2nd most voted too (not as a full painting tho).

You can suggest me the same character that you did last time (except Nightwing and Cyclops ofc) or in the case you've changed your mind you can suggest me a new one. 

Last time I got requested to draw one of my ocs (Kalua) and he made it into the final voting (which caught me off guard lol) so if you want to suggest me to draw any of my ocs I'm okay with it! 

In the case you can't decide and feel like suggesting me more than one character, I'll pick the one that I feel is more suitable for me and take it to the voting round.

I think that's all for now. Looking forward to know which character I will be drawing this month! :D




Smite Hercules!


Xenogears Bart