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Hey guys! Just a little update regarding rewards from January: As some of you may have noticed already, Patreon is taking longer than usual to finish processing all the payment (you probably also got an e-mail from Patreon letting us know about this issue). Rewards are ready to be sent, however, I'm gonna give Patreon some little more time to finish processing payments from January. In any case, I will let you know once rewards have been sent; hopefully this doesn't take long.

On the other hand, I also want to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all of you for supporting my work here. Certainly, January was a very busy month among commissions so I couldn't make as much as I would have wanted regarding personal content and that's why I'm so grateful you kept supporting me here regardless. I must say, I'm already catching up with some work, so you can expect more content during this month compared to the previous, along some little changes that I may do. I'll keep you all updated.

Thanks for reading! :)


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