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Took me ages, but I finally finished another entry of another of my main characters. This time, Zirkha, the High Priestess. Short bio is below:

Name: Zirkha
Age: 23
Height: 1.70m

During Leif's era, Zirkha became the new High Priestess at the age of 18 after the former priestess passed away. She's now the keeper of ancient power, knowledge and wisdom, and has a close bond with the spirits of nature. She also possesses a powerful entity under her command to assist her during harsh times, such as when the land she protects is being threatened by dark forces.

She hosts ceremonies and rituals during festivities and also is a key player in keeping peace between the surrounding tribes and cities, since she serves as diplomat among the clans. 

Her childhood wasn't easy, since she was forced to train hard from an early age in order to succeed her grandmother when the time came. She's a seer, and it is also said she's related to a person who caused great grief and destruction in ancient times.

HD+Artsteps+PSD+Video this month



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