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Concept Art is finished, so here's a character bio:

Name: Miki
Age: 20
Height: 1.77m

Behind that sweet face and bright smile, a shady past lies. Taken from his home when he was just a little child, he closed his heart to the world. The people who gave him a new home gave him education and shelter, and since an early age, he was given training in order to become an assassin under the service of the clan he now belongs to. Miki developed exceptional skills, becoming one of the best assassins in training. Only the most skillful assassins could join a special unit of assassins under direct command of the clan's war chief. In that unit, he met Al and his world changed afterwards.

Miki was such a cold guy who didn't have any interest for anybody but himself, limiting his actions to completing his missions and becoming stronger, but in the inside, he was so alone and suffering and Al changed that. Al and Miki were assigned to share the same room in the building that served as home for the assassin's special unit. Their relationship wasn't very good in the beginning since it seemed both guys had opposite personalities. Al is such a pacific guy, kind of talkative and who cares for others. He doesn't kill unless he has to, during missions. Miki started to feel annoyed by Al's presence and they argued often, but eventually, Al started to take more interest in Miki beyond just friendship or teammates, and Miki on his part, started to open up to him and a little flame started to burn inside him. As time passed, it was clear both cared for each other so much, being protective and sometimes showing a very sweet behavior when nobody saw them. It was during a night after completing a mission, where one thing led to another that Miki ended up giving Al a kiss. Their very first love kiss, and from that on, they started to show their affection towards each other with no limit. 

The red bracelet Miki wears on his right hand was given to him by Al the very day they got separated. It was a special gift, and Miki was just about to give Al something as well (a ring? a bracelet? a necklace? only he knows).  

Miki loves Al with all his soul, but after a journey during his healing and overcoming his loss, he eventually joined Leif's group. Leif reminded him of Al.. which made him feel angry, sad and so confused on his own feelings. One thing is sure: Miki will never forget about Al.. until the day they meet again.

Honestly I could keep writing more and more, but I don't want this to be a veery long post. Also, there are some things that I'd like not to mention for now so it won't spoil eveything, but if there's anything you want to know about Al or Miki, please feel free to ask! :D

Thanks again guys! bit by bit I'm finishing all my main characters line up^^

HD + Artsteps + PSD + Video available this month.




Loving the background story


Sunshine boy doesn't seem so bright no more :(