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Concept Art is finished, so here's his character bio:

Name: Al
Age: 19
Height: 1.65m

Al is a very skilled assassin and Miki's teammate. He's a very pacific guy who avoids picking unnecesary fights and only kills when he needs to; specially if it is to protect Miki. He's very chill, patient and caring.

Al, along Miki, became orphan when his hometown was attacked and burnt into ashes. He was still a child back then and was picked up and given shelter afterwards.

In the new life he was brought into, he was trained during his childhood and early teen years to become an assassin in order to serve the clan he now belongs to. During that training, he met Miki, and eventually they developed a strong bond that lead into something stronger than just a friendship.

Al taught Miki many things. Basically, Miki was an empty shell; a very isolated guy who didn't care of anybody but himself. Al changed that and brought Miki into the light and taught him what having a true friend is, and most important, love.

During their last (and one of their most important) missions, something happened that got them separated. Al's whereabouts are still unknown.

That's it ^^ I will compliment this with Miki's background story once I've worked his artwork. If I missed something and there's something you'd like to know about Al, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll do my best to answer. :)




<3 Yessss


"His whereabouts are still unknown" how could you ,_,