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 I highly recommend you to listen to this song while reading: https://youtu.be/KPxSS1zHWwQ 

"Don't worry, I'm your big brother now.. everything will be okay."

Those are the words Xelgot said to Leif when he took care of him. Xelgot is 6 years older than Leif. When they first met, Leif was only 5 years old. 

After losing everything, Xelgot's family took care of Leif and gave him shelter. Despite not being blood-related, they were raised as siblings, and as result, they grew a strong bond until nowadays. 

Xelgot means the world to Leif.


That's just a little background story of that picture, telling more would be getting more in depth in the characters, but don't worry, I will be releasing everything eventually.

You know.. I had a realization. A very important one.

Thing is.. I came to realize that I cannot keep waiting until the planets align and that I only have one life.. only one, and I want to leave my mark in this world. That being said, it is time to act.

I will never know how things will come out if I don't try. I want to fulfill my dream.

Thanks for everything.


HD + Artsteps + PSD available for my patrons this month ^^
