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This is a character I did some time ago and decided to revisit and made some shading and enhancements. Here's a short character bio:

Name: Elk
Age: 25
Height: 1.85m

He's Elk, a bounty hunter. He's very agile, smart, strong and doesn't give up that easily. But don't let yourself get fooled by him. If he's after something, he will try to get it no matter what, even if that means gaining people's trust in order to betray them later at some point. He can be reckless at times, but he's aware of his own limits. 

He's also a wanderer; he has no an established home to go back. The world is his home. No parents, no friends. He's a lone wolf. Life has taught him tough lessons.


Patrons will get high resolution, artsteps and psd file as part of this month batch. Hope you like it! :D




Wow! He's awesome! =D I really like the fur(?)