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Mondays... Oh the best day of the week!
Yes, that was sarcasm. :D But; I thought we could do mini Monday "challenges" that are all about different ways of showing kindness to others and to ourselves.

We all deserve more kindness, right?

So... Today I challenge you to give somebody in the chat or IRL a genuine compliment.
It could be anyone and anything! 



Donald Strohm Jr

I honestly absolutely love your sense of humor and sarcasm Sarah! It is seriously the best! 😊🤣❤️ I honestly love your idea of a mini Monday challenge and this is best kind of challenge to start off the new year! I love starting the year off on a positive and kind note! Plus I 1000% agree with you that we all deserve more kindness! ❤️😊🥰 I will definitely make sure to let you know who I give a compliment and what I am complimenting them on as well ^^

Jarrett Adams

I love how sweet and kind you are Sarah. The sweetest and most empathetic person I’ve known 🥰💗