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TW: Depression. Starts out with me being a bit "cold" towards the listener.  

Summary: You figured you would just ride out your latest depressive episode without bothering your girlfriend. Turns out, she knows you maybe better than you know yourself.  

Script by: u/lupinstolemyheart

Edits: Tuan



this one came at a good time for me, honestly🥹 I'd probably be very surprised if someone noticed when I'm not doing so well. and if someone were to be protective over me while I'm working through things I'd probably cry a little out of surprise and gratitude. masking my feelings and pain is something I'm trying to be better about, it's a hard thing to do. but sometimes it's necessary to let someone in💜 (I also cried a little bit, I've been under a lot of stress and I just really needed some comfort and maybe someone to fight for me for a bit. to feel protected and safe during this. and this audio helped, so thank you😭💜)


I really need something like this, so thank you very much. Also I like a little acting, it refresh things nicely. Last video throwed me a bit off with voice quality, but here it was great. Very sweet audio. Amazing job :)