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Let's just have a chill date night at my place. And maybe I can teach you how to make a new dish?

Original script by anonymous
Some additions and modifications have been made to the original script (with writers consent)

SFX from:



The listener have some mad knife skills. Chopping things with blunt side of the knife. Mayby i have shorttime memory, but i am happy that finally we got this idea in audio. I am definitly taking inspiration, how to approch cooking with someone. My most experiences from familly cooking was, this is done differently, you doing that wrong, i am doing this that way, etc not in positive spirite, like it is in audio. But if i heard something like, that is one way to do it, very creative approch i would say, i think i would burst into laugh instantly. I liked ambient sounds in background i think i didnt noticed anything wrong. PS: I never had "tonkatsu" aka schintzel with rice and sauce, and i am speaking for nationallity that just don't use meat in schintzel-type preparation but also cheese and it was kinda popular here :D So again one thing to mayby try in future + asian cusine, some as itally is mostly just great, they really know what they are doing.


It takes some skills for sure, and some guts to go against the norm and do things your own way. That should go for chopping too, right?? A cheese only schnitzel? Hm.. Interesting