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No real arguing in this audio, it is all teasing and playful banter. But if it isn't your thing, feel free to skip this audio :)

A few rules when doing your grosery shoping in store;
-Don't stop in the middle of the isle and just stand there
-Be apologetic if you accidently bump into someone
-Don't cut ahead of lines
-Don't stand too close in line
-Be kind and polite to the person behind the register, their job ain't easy
-Accept the fact that not all strawberries in the box will be perfect, don't sort through the boxes with your fingers and throw out the bad ones.

Not all people obey by these rules.

Some questions you might have now;

Is strawberry lady real?- Yes.
Banans in plastic bags?- Yes, that is how my grosery store keeps them. You buy the whole bag.
Will you forgive me for any crimes discussed in the audio?- Hard to say. But you are cute, that works in your favour.



This made me smile so much


Aw what a silly goose audio 🤭 If that is how argueing looks like I'm in and taking that in all day along. Such playfull, wholesome and cute one 🥹 that is polar oposite that I have rn. And if needed I'm going to downgrade myself to banana separator or strawberry lady level if needed 🫡 Honeydew, hmm, yep remeber that 🤭 Otherwise, description is very cool too :) with all rules, clerification, etc. Tho like I don't know what stand in middle of isle is. I might be guilty of that, because I read what thing is made of, etc. but always if I'm not alone gonna clear space, if other people want to take somethig. So I don't know. Tho like previuos audio help with comfort, or when we feel sad, they help a lot. I like freshness and bit different style of audio like that, that made me giggle so much. Thank you, very much ❤️ Oh yea, one PS, someone mentioned it, but sandals and sock is/was culture thing here in Czechia too 🤭 same as mullet and some other faction stuff. I see why would somebody do that, but anyway not fan of sandals, so it for me like whatever 😄


Silly goose, silly goose what you gonna do, what you gonna do when it comes for you 🤭 I'm sorry things arent very wholesome in other areas. 🫂Hope a little silliness could help cheer things up even for a moment. I think we've all done that standing in the middle of the isle. It really standing in the areas where there is no little food stands, areas just made for walking through from one place of the store to another. Some people park there carts right there or take a pause to look at their list of groseries. Fluff I messed up with the socks lol. Had no idea. Here in Sweden it is really the opposite where you're definitely not supposed to wear socks in sandals, interesting how different things are culturely in different countries. ^^ Now mullets... They had a moment here too for sure lol. Coming back abit too!