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Hey guys!

Wanted to jump on here and just let you know where were at in general and what is to come.

First off, the list of requests grows everyday and we have a daunting task ahead of us to not only do videos that will keep the YouTube Algorithm happy, but also to be sure that the content you've paid for is being honored.

If you have any suggestions on how we can go about it please fill us in. We want criticism and progress with this Patreon Page. Until then we are fitting in as much as we can and hope to fit in more soon.

Secondly, The Podcast.

Eric and I have been working our tails off to figure out how to make this podcast thing happen. 

Our process before was cumbersome and frustrating to say the least. 

Which means that when we bring it back, we want it to be a well oiled machine that will give you guys the "fly on the wall" conversations that we want to share with you.

We have toyed with making sure that we have a two to three camera set up, but to do so we would need a hefty budget that wouldn't be doable for a bit. 

So, how do you feel about it being strictly an audio experience? Like a true radio show. 

It would be available on almost every audio streaming platform (Spotify, Google Podcats, Overcast, Amazon Music, Castbox, Pocket Casts, Radio Public and Stitcher)

Just at least to get it started or maybe stick with the format if it works.

Also, what topics would you guys want us to talk about?

Please let us know all of your thoughts below!

Thank you all for your continued love and support. We can't thank you enough!



I agree with Mike. Audio is going to be easier and is fine. Besides, what makes you think we want to see you psychos ALL the time. How arrogant are you guys??….you know I’m kidding. Love what you’re doing. Keep up the good work.


As for request and the algorithm I know a few channels will do Patreon requests on Patreon only unless the song will have good view numbers on YouTube. I think a lot of us would be ok with that as a solution.


Bands like BlackPink, Nightwish, Sabaton, Tom MacDonald and the indy artists, and others will bring their armies and the numbers will be there with those. They could also put some on Patreon for time, and post them to YT a week or so later. Plus, any videos that get copyright blocked that they can't get unblocked on YT can be posted here for us without issue. So that's definitely a plus too!