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Hey all,

As I was deciding on what to do for a Patreon Post, I was drawing blanks. I usually just let me fingers let out whatever is on my mind. 

Which I guess you could say is happening now, but the thought of that makes my head hurt.

I'm just going to say what's on my mind, I hope it comes out properly. 

Here we go.

I can't shake that this past week has been very difficult with my mental health. The negative thoughts that have swarmed me have made it very difficult to smile and enjoy the life that I have been blessed with. 

It makes sense why people that "have everything they've ever wanted" are still miserable.

Eric and I are not millionaires, or live in the hills of California. We don't drive nice cars or are surrounded by all of the stereotypical things that supposedly mean that you've made it. 

Honestly, that's all fluff to us. Material things don't define your life. 

But we do feel like we have though. Why?  We have the community, YOU GUYS.

It's something that rocks our socks off every time we talk about it. We've stayed up late just getting lost in the comments and discussion about where we were and where we are now.

You all have made that possible. 

Yet, when I'm alone with my thoughts, the negative takes over. 

It's a battle and I try my best to focus on what's good. 

We both do.

Anyway, I guess the point of this post is to do two things.

1) Thank you for being a light in our lives, even when it's really dark around us. Your kind words and affirmation makes everyday better. Even if you feel like you're not making a difference, just know, you are and we experience it first hand.

2) You are not alone in your mind gymnastics that is mental health. Just because you don't see it in our videos, doesn't mean it's not there. We are all fighting together. 

Don't give up. 

Be strong.

I know it feels impossible in the moment. Even if it doesn't feel like it, IT WILL get better. 

I've rambled enough, if you've read till the end, thank you.

More content coming at you soon! 

Stay tuned, stay awesome and as always we love you all!



Thank you for being you and for bringing us content. I think times are tough for everyone now so to find a place where people from all walks of life can find themselves grounded is a blessing all its own and y'all provide that to everyone, everywhere, for free. What we've been to you is reciprocal to 10x what you have been for me so thank you.


I know EXACTLY how you feel! I woke up this morning in tears, NO REASON, just a FEELING of NOT being GOOD ENOUGH, am I doing the right thing? Been struggling for YEARS!😢 BUT THEN, I get a notification. From who you ask? MY FAVS!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥Your FANS LOVE y'all and I know y'all (INCLUDING MOM👋😁) are CHANGING LIVES! HUGS, BIG HUGS to you and all.💐💐💐💐❤❤❤❤💯🤗