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We discuss the life and death of Marxist revolutionary and Pan-Africanist Thomas Sankara. 

Watch the 2006 documentary Thomas Sankara: The Upright Man  

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Jon N

Damn the French for introducing female genital mutilation to these poor people

Craig Fowler

Some really feral jokes in this one, wow. Great episode, loved it. I’ve read a lot about Sankara and thought this was really well researched, as usual. I do want to push back on Sean’s take that “authoritarianism can be good”. Please keep in mind that I’m a recovered gay ass libertarian, so bear with me. Sankara was a good man who accomplished a lot of good things, but if you end up with a benevolent dictator doing “good authoritarianism”, what happens when his successor is not a good person? Whether they’re voted in or get there by some other means, you’ve just handed them the keys to do whatever garbage they want. I don’t have the answer for the better alternative, just saying. Anyways love the show, keep it up!