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We recap our interview with Norman Finkelstein and Mike does his best Whoopi Goldberg impression.



Professor Fink | Out For Smokes #158

We recap our interview with Norman Finkelstein and Mike does his best Whoopi Goldberg impression.


Seth Aronovich

Loving it, fellas. It's always good to see Finkelstein go off. Your man has no fucking filter. He's like the Nina Hartley of telling the truth, but without the cocaine induced dementia. When the zionists say that the UN endorsed their fake fucking state, they're shitting in our mouths. Yeah, the 'UN' of '47 did. Apartheid South Africa did. The most evil nation ever to exist, the US, did. The British empire did. India didn't. Nigeria didn't. Free China didn't. Kenya didn't. Algeria didn't. The USSR was subverted to vote wrong, but they would have voted right by the time the zionists murdered stalin just five years later. As we all have observed, apartheid South Africa no longer exists, despite the fact that Afrikaaners have far more history in South Africa than zionists do in occupied Palestine. And soon, the zionist entity will be removed from history.

Craig Fowler

New shirt idea. Jason Aldean in Islamic Jihad garb, and beneath him it says “Try That in The West Bank”

Loyal Opposition

"Why Did Hitler Attack Russia?" would make a great episode.

The Terrifier

Mike Gallaghers dumb ass tiktok is digital fentanyl essay ran in Bari Weiss’s “The Free Press” shitty vanity anti woke journalism imprint, not foreign policy mag, that’s why she was juicing it so much

Big Dong Bill (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-17 00:19:15 Regarding Fink's anecdote about getting a microphone in a box and not wanting to open it, I think the joke was he was worried someone sent him a mailbomb.
2023-11-08 15:10:54 Regarding Fink's anecdote about getting a microphone in a box and not wanting to open it, I think the joke was he was worried someone sent him a mailbomb.

Regarding Fink's anecdote about getting a microphone in a box and not wanting to open it, I think the joke was he was worried someone sent him a mailbomb.

Aaron H

"Israeli intelligence does sexual blackmail against powerful people in the United States" is a titillating anecdote, but it is not a useful political statement. It doesn't really work on a banner of a street protest.