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Well guys...Halloween is just around the corner and what do you know, the Israeli government is acting like demons. Once again we talk about horrors beyond our comprehension, the evil celebrities who cheerlead them, and the organizations who pay them to do it. We also pushed back on the idea of "human shields" and Joe Biden's claim that death tolls in Gaza are exaggerated. This world really is one big haunted house eh gang? Hope you enjoy the episode.

Here's the PDF of all the names of the deceased:



Simon Rosenberg

As an anti Zionist Jew-Sean was spot on with his observation about pro Israel Jews. I think there is a lot to be said on the subject of organizations like the ADL accelerating antisemitism. Would love an episode on this

josh howzing

"Scott stays on the edge understanding and slips on a banana" - part 155

Hobo Gadling

Scott’s right, audio books is not reading.