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We delve deeper into the current situation in the Middle East. We're posting the bonus episode earlier than usual given the rapid development of the events discussed.



Israel vs. Palestine Continued | Out For Smokes #152

We delve deeper into the current situation in the Middle East. We're posting the bonus episode earlier than usual given the rapid development of the events discussed.


David Hefez

Thank you for dropping both same day!!


When I moved to LA from Oklahoma City years ago, long drive, my dad drove with me to help and I’d wished there was more to do or see on that drive since he and I have nothing in common. So like, if someone were to make a museum dedicated to all the insane things Scott has said, I think they should put it along that route somewhere and people would like it. Like the attractions would be motion controlled, you could walk up and it would cue the clip of Scott saying “…you know, like all those videos of people trying to high five amputees… what? youve never seen those?” And there could be like AI generated pictures around the exhibit of what those videos would look like if they existed etc. I dunno, me and my dad really would have gotten a kick out of it.

Ben Brinckerhoff

You guys are killing it! The quality has only gone up over time.


I told my Israeli boss my thoughts and prayers are with all the innocent people right now 🙏 ♥️ Technically I didn’t lie 🇵🇸

Professor swag

sean you fucking rule thanks king

Seth Aronovich

Now, I hate to pile on to Scott, but under the rule of the democratically elected Hamas government in Gaza, just like in democratic Iran, Christmas is openly celebrated by Christians and Muslims alike. Traditionally, Christians in Palestine would travel to Bethlehem to celebrate the birth of the prophet Jesus, but the zionist occupation refuses to allow them to do so. https://www.arabnews.com/node/2221441/middle-east


Great show guys. Thanks for dropping both episodes. This shit really blows but hearing more conversation about it is a good outlet.

Max Phillips

I went to a pro-Palestine march yesterday. I'd never been to a rally or protest before so I was very nervous, but everything went peacefully without any major problems (other than the police trying to dissuade us) and it felt really good to let out my anger and stress among likeminded people. I would definitely recommend going to an event to show support if you're frustrated.

Johnny Tubesocks

I wish I shared Sean's optimism about China as a leader on the world stage. But he does make a compelling point about just how bad America has been for the rest of the world.


Genuinely re-subscribed to hear Sean and Mike’s continuing discussions on the slaughter & the resulting political/social/cultural fallout, as well as sweet well-intentioned Scott failing to wrap his head around topic after topic. I just want you to know that dead kids are triggering an upward wealth transfer for you three (I’m poorer, guarantee it.)