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Sound off in the comments, gang!

NOTE:  Sean is incorrect Palestine was not a British territory at the time of the Balfour declaration it was under the control of the Ottoman empire  and only came under British control after WW1. As such he also gets the  reasons for the Balfour declaration wrong. I'm going to edit this section out.

The documentary Gaza Fights for Freedom can be watched here:




John Dolan of Radio War Nerd often says that, with all the advancements in light infantry weaponry and tactics, and with the emergence of drones, that the world is just waiting for a modern day Agincourt that rattles state militaries across the world. And when you see all these IDF armored columns lining up to go into Gaza raw, you think this may be the moment. It seems like this is what Hamas has been banking on with this provocative incursion. And it’s shocking to see Israeli and American leadership so eager to give them an engagement on their terms. Hezbollah has already taken out a handful of tanks in border skirmishes. Gaza has been fortified by Hamas for decades. There’s no historical equivalent. There are ample smuggling networks rivaling the Ho Chi Minh trail. Except Israel can’t bomb Egypt in the way America bombed Laos and Cambodia. In a city of 2 million people it is impossible to surveil every nook and cranny to hide small arms. State jails in the US have guards peering into every room and and no tunnels to speak of and still pile up contraband. Who knows how badly Israel will lose this conflict. But it seems like they do not have a way to win. So they seem to be banking on some sort of punitive expedition that at best will be a very costly victory over a rubble heap. And then what? Cities in Yemen looked like that for years and the Houthi movement still got the W in the end. How have they not learned anything from Afghanistan, Chechnya, Ukraine, Iraq, Yemen? You can’t just charge into these wars and win in a couple weeks.


Thanks for the comment. If you have any recommended reading or whatever, let us know. -Mike


Shaun please keep asking about mikes angry internet comments