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We respond to some of the nasty little comments you guys leave us.



Dark Alliance

Hell yeah nigga. Hey we also need Sean solo episodes!


Sean Live from da toilet: I think the cia hit me with the tummy ache gun

Dark Alliance

Ha that'd be funny. Though I'd doubt he'll be poding while taking a shit. That's something the guido will do.

Nonprofit Jerk

The Producer had a great Love Actually callback joke about the positive comments all being from people flying into the World Trade Center. But it wasnt given it's due cuz Mike wasn't being present or listening. How does he stay married?


The app for women to rate their dates was called Lulu. I believe it was banned. The new ridiculous shit psycho women do is called Are We Dating the Same Guy. It’s a series of facebook groups in different cities.

Joe Pynch

It wins the Oscar for best cumedy

Jamie Goodin

this ep was my intro the podcast last year, just spent the last couple months catching up from Ep 1 to help nurse me thru some nasty sciatica. Good shit lads. My parasocial meter is full and you could see me on the F train mumbling to myself pretending to be all 3 of you


Wondering if those groups are still a thing or, if there’s a new app for red flag activities.


Apparently my last tweet 2014 was too mean to keep my account. ‘Every girl is a squirter if you cut the right artery’.