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Hi friends I'm sorry the episode is late, I can't find my fucking memory card reader, because all of my fucking shit keeps disappearing, and now I have to pretend to look for it, until Deb gets home where at that point she'll probably spend two minutes looking for it and then find it because she probably put it away "cleaning". Damn it's hard to be Mike Recine. 



That’s okay my friend


Maybe it's near the desk?


Mike, do you want another memory card reader? No charge.


Breathe in through your nose, breathe out through you mouth. Do this a couple of times. We love the pod, Mike. We don’t care if it’s late. It’s always good. 💪

Yairo Martis

Chill out, Michaelangelo

Aaron H

Rename the podcast Out of Memory Cards

Aaron H

Team Deb wins again

Jon N

Why isn't Sean doing the technical stuff? He's clearly the nerd

Deborah Brooks

I think Sean and Scott should show up to each recording with a sim card and a card reader in order to reduce my weekly stress.