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A homeless man got half and half all over my neck. We also talk about moving right, trying to impress Will Menaker, and what to do when you're on a comedy lineup with a rapist. 



Anyone else notice that whenever Scott doesn’t know what a word means, he talks a mile a minute to deflect/distract lolol

Hrishi Somayaji

I know this is partially tongue in cheek and stuff, but as a college educated leftist guy so hated by Sean, Mike as long as you generally want to make the world a better place you don’t have to listen to these online leftist morons that use guilt as a driving mechanism. You believe something about the world and it is correct, you don’t have to abandon that belief to alter your course of action to take care of your family for the moment.


I gotta tell you Mike 80% of the books college guys claim they're read they haven't it's like right wingers who keep posting 1984 but have not actually read the book it's just pretentious intellectual flexing

Corey Reynolds

I want more history and politcal episodes. Don’t listen to the Sean haters

Aaron H

Glad Mike got some advice from Tim

Dom Cusack

Why didn’t Annie let you on her show?


Mike, its time to forgo politics and make your bag. I used to live in Portland and I can tell you from personal experience that "leftists" in the US prefer to see people completely immiserated versus doing anything that might make a guy like you's life better. Fuck them.


Twitter has been a net negative for the left. Makes being left wing a miserable experience, when it really doesn’t have to be. Not to be too much of a millennial college educated leftist but ‘exiting the vampire castle’ by mark fisher is a great essay on this, imo


Also anyone who knocks someone trying to make life better for themselves and their family is a weapon


Would love to be able to disagree but you’re probs bang on

Johnny Tubesocks

Online is not politics, politics is shit that puts food in bellies. You want to be a good leftist Mike: help your neighbors who need help as best you can for now. You got a family to take care of and just don't go chud racist. Also more Sean eps, I want more of his conspiracy theories.


Hey Mike can I just give you $60 and you give me access to the show so I don't have to give anything to that giant dickhead Scott? Feel free to throw Sean a $5 here and there. The idea of continuing to give money to some drunk cops entitled son who won't shut the fuck up is offputting.