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In today's episode with very special guest Tim Dillon, Tim and Mike reflect on the day they met, their podcast Stewed and the Food Network show they tested for, and separating the art (Woody Allen movies) from the artist (child predator Woody Allen). 

Thanks for the support! Hope you enjoy! 



i support mike’s decision to not watch pedophile movies with his family


Was getting annoyed at Mike for not pushing back about the Woody Allen stuff and then realized I’d probably do the exact same thing


Word on the street was Rogan let Tim stuff his midget ass behind a dumpster in Austin

Robbie Len

Are you gonna promote the show on his podcast?


tim talking about being a new york guy and how woody allen really gets new york is the gayest thing he’s ever done


This was wonderful.


Also I've never heard Tim Dillon sound like a person instead of a big gay monster


if you want to watch manhattan with your toddler go ahead man i dont give a fuck


Great this


Four seasons huh I’ll give it a try


totally with Mike on this. I could go the rest of my life without watching another Woody Allen movie. Annie Hall is very good, but if you're telling me he couldn't have cut about 15-20 minutes off of that movie then you probably have the same taste in movies as Scott. and, like Mike said with Manhattan, separating the art from the artist goes only so far as the artist does that themselves... i.e. you can't have your "I'm gonna fuck a teenager" cake as a movie and eat it in real life too. however that saying goes. btw Tim mentioning Adam McKay as if he's comparable to Scorsese or Woody Allen was comedy gold