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We discuss the 19th Century Opium Wars in China and how they relate to the current opioid epidemic in the United States.

For further reading on the Opium Wars I recommend the book Imperial Twilight by Stephen R. Platt:




You sound like a guy who needs to get some pussy on god 💯


Mike Recine: Diaper Fetishist is a career pivot nobody expected


Hell yeah!!!!

Chris Mathews Jr.

I think it'd be sweet for ya'll to talk about what happens when you actually even get a marginal win against the capitalist system; ala the case of the lawyer Steven Donziger and his battle with Chevron . That's the one I always think of when I'm like "this is the best case of what happens when you challenge capital and it's very very bleak."

Starry Pr1nce

How much dignity can a diaper hold


Ep makes me wana play Victoria3


I hope mike continues to lose weight. Also I wanna know more why drugs are bad.


I get it, Sean read a book so now we all have to suffer. The constant lectures are… tiresome. I literally resubscribed to the patreon to tell you, Mike, pick a lane with this show. Sean sounds like a guy who never left his hometown and wants to be a history teacher at the high school he graduated from


Hey Sean, for books relating to US drug importation you can look into the work of Charles Bowden. He wrote on border relations, free trade, and crime.