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We're joined by our friend Oleg in Moscow to talk about what life is like in that city since the "special military operation" and what he sees in the future of Russian-American relations.

If you want to find Oleg on twitter he's at: @Sobolevanie

He suggested this book if you want to learn more:



Really appreciate hearing from someone in Russia. The US has been experiencing the most intensive propaganda push since the Iraq war. Nice liberals are frothing at the mouth for bloodshed.

Joe the Banker

The level of Russian propaganda in this episode is nuts, especially with how much on-the-ground information is out there. I would look for links to share but remembered I pay for this. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Follow Popular Front on twitter or Patreon to find out what’s really going on with Russias invasion of Ukraine. “Special Operation” 🙄 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/popular-front/id1364539980?i=1000583185869

Rod Long

Really took the gloves off for that interview huh? lol

Rod Long

You mean the Ukrainian youth that are witnessing random shelling of their cities firsthand on a daily basis don't just hate Russia because America told them to, as Oleg claimed?


the "Scott is the dumb one" jokes are funny cause he's lowkey way smarter than the other guys at smelling bullshit and having the correct intuition about things he's not fully knowledgeable about already. He knew this guy was bullshitting the whole way through, but he also stays within himself far more than Sean so given he hasn't read much about the war he wasn't going to be able to confront the Russian propaganda on this ep at the rate this guy was spewing it. Moral of the story: Sean CIA confirmed, Scott is the hero and Mike is the dumb but kinda funny sidekick. More Scott eps less Sean eps


Sean do you have a new Twitter account?

Tutty tim tim

I dont understand what ProUkraine kooks want. I personally do not want to go to war with Russia over some country I don't give a shit about

Joe the Banker

How about looking into this for an episode - crypto cofounder that predicted his murder last month by the CIA? https://twitter.com/delete_shitcoin/status/1585918718088970241?s=46&t=G_5S9dsx6aaw_Gsyq8ElrQ

Joe the Banker



Big fan of Sean and don't agree that this guy is propaganda but definitely agree about Scott's way of thinking. He comes from a place of humility and quickly arrives at the essence of an issue at hand in a way that is hilarious but also often pretty deep

Tutty tim tim

Yeah this guy Oleg is CIA for uh... supporting an end to this waste of time war?


I love how it's always the other guy who is propagandized.


I thought this was a great episode and liked hearing what Oleg had to say. Very few interviews with ordinary Russians in media of any sort. And there's always something interesting there, like Oleg calling the people who went into hiding so as not to get called up (which is not exactly a 'draft' by any means) 'petty bourgeois liberals.' Too bad it didn't meet the high quality control standards of the Times readers who make up many of your patreon supporters...


At least we can all come together around the fact that Scott is the man

Seth Aronovich

lol 'Popular Front' the shadily-funded podcast that will shill for any 'independance movement' that is fighting against a nation that stands up against the zionist entity? What an 'interesting' recommendation.

Seth Aronovich

Great episode. It's good for Americans, the most ignorant and stupid 'people' on earth, to hear about the fact that Ukraine- a regime which collaborated in the illegal invasion of Iraq, thus giving up any 'sovereignty' it might have been entitled to- has not had a legitimate democratically elected government since the CIA coup in 2014, and has been shelling Russian speaking former Ukranian civilians just for fun ever since.

Joe the Banker

Stands up against the Zionist entity? Fascist much? How is Patreon and merch shady funding? What choice do they have when they are the only outlet making in depth reporting on ghost guns? https://youtu.be/jlB2QV5wVxg


This episode was great. Really appreciated hearing Oleg's perspective.


Oleg sounds cute. Can't blame those Russian whores for catcalling him from the roof of their brothel.