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Welcome to the pay wall for even more 9/11 content. In this episode we talk about the suicide of north tower maintenance worker Kenny Johannemann, insider trading of airline stocks, Osama bin Laden, and the way that various intelligence agencies operate. Hope you enjoy. Happy 9/11!



Sean P go on war mode


I like the war mode boys but they go way too far on the Q-anon level bullshit


Chinese pilot did 9/11 got me good

Joe the Banker

There is also the theory of the Israeli architecture students that were given all access passes to WTC a week before. https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/09/world-trade-centers-infamous-91st-floor-israeli-art-student-project-2/


“SpongeBob was playing when building 7 fell.”

Kyle Bielanski

If you could guess, how many hot dogs do you think were in the twin towers on 9/11?

Chris Mathews Jr.

war mode guys have to have a combined IQ of maybe 30. truly some of the dumbest guys i've ever seen

Rod Long

Why does an elevator door opening in the basement with a burned guy imply that the explosion happened in the basement, you guys know elevators go up and down right?? Some of these theories are legitimately retarded