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Another poop poop patreon party. 

We talk Mikes bowel movements, Jordan Peterson, Pilots, and morrre. 

FIXED AUDIO- Scott no longer sounds like shit. See ya tomorrow with an all new Patreon Ep. 


Burt Chintas

Really digging this podcast thus far. Especially glad McCarthy is back broadcasting. Miss grubstakers but I'm glad I no longer have to listen to Paliwal and his terrible attempts at humor. That guy was such a pill.


Like the podcast and normally not an audio snob but Scott needs to start speaking into the mic


New patron here. All I ask is, Scott let the others talk.


I edited this weeks episode and I think I turned my voice down too much cause I was shouting the whole episode. Will try to make fix.

The True Horror

You see this with other twitter users like um (LMAO already before he says it)


Scott, not for nothing, if you find the highest point of the audio, find out how loud it is, you can bring it down to your lowest point of dialogue audio, and then raise your master volume to suitable point where you think it's listenable. It should make the dialogue audio consistent across the entire episode.


Get Scott a better mic. His levels are always waaaay low.