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Part 1 of our investigation into some of the journalists who probably  got iced by the CIA. Here we cover Jim Koethe, Bill Hunter, and Dorothy  Killgallen, all of whom made the mistake of investigating the JFK  assassination and got karate chopped to death.



Unsolved Mysteries did indeed cover the Casaleros case

Riker Alcoholic

My favorite part of this show is this stuff. Became a fan of you guys after Faucci Ouchi, on Matt and Shane’s secret podcast.


Since you asked for feedback, I love this stuff. Sean is one of my favorite guests on Cum Town (behind Mike, of course) and this is exactly the kind of content that led me to subscribe. Keep it coming!




Awesome episode

Rod Long

Doesn't matter that much in the big picture, but being caught selling a murdered person's property is not a "slam dunk case" on convicting (or even charging) that person with the murder, as you claimed...there's about ten thousand ways someone could get a hold of a murdered person's things that doesn't involve them killing him, just had to point that out as a lawyer that it's not at all odd that they didn't go for murder charge if that was the only evidence they had.