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We celebrate Mike's birthday and talk about karaoke, Mike's show in Tacoma and plan our pivot to OnlyFans.


Young Man | Out For Smokes #224

We celebrate Mike's birthday and talk about karaoke, Mike's show in Tacoma and plan our pivot to OnlyFans.



Mike - your 100% nailed it about old men/young women wholesome relationship. I'm 34 now, I've never in my life been particularly attracted to men older than me but when I was 18-21 and worked in a coffee shop I did have a few special customer relationships with these Gen X and boomer guys who didn't flirt with me so much as talk to me like I was a "real" adult and hold conversations about interesting topics and teach me things that were super valuable at the time. Many of them became life long friends. Keep chatting with that girl, make sure you don't step over the line, she will value and remember you whenever she moves on with what she's gonna do with her life. It's funny that I listen to this episode the week I found out one of my beloved old customers passed away from cancer. A mixed media artist I served coffee every day for almost 3 years. He gifted me my first set of full colour micron archival ink pens and helped me enter into art shows to sell my art. He and his girlfriend had me over for amazing dinners (he was a foodie like you, Mike) and donated some of his old art supplies to me. It's corny as hell but you really do touch people's lives with kindness and conversation.


Mike, thank you for coming out to Tacoma and next time bring Sean with you. You were so funny and we had such a great time!!