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We discuss the "We're Costco Guys" viral video, whether people have lost the ability to laugh at themselves, and Mike getting cut from the recent Vulture article "How New York Comedians Are Joking About Israel-Palestine."



The reason it feels antisemitic to criticize Israel is that we are being tricked into blaming the Israeli government instead of the US government for the things Israel does. Seriously, everything Israel is doing is exactly what the vampires who run the US government and both parties want it to do. The cruelty that seems excessive and gratuitous is intentional, and is meant to send a message that the US empire will not tolerate resistance of any kind. Israel is not an autonomous actor. It is a tiny country entirely dependent on US diplomatic cover, military and intelligence support for everything it does. Israel is a client state that exists in its current form ENTIRELY to provide the US empire with strategic leverage across the Middle East, the lynchpin in a network of client states that maintains US control over Arab fossil fuels and transit through the Suez canal and Red Sea. This system of control works through fear and intimidation. The main purpose of Obama's Libya and Syria wars - which together killed half a million people and devastated two large countries - was to punish the Arab people (especially Egyptians) for rising up against corrupt US puppet governments and ensure that liberal democratic protests wouldn't spread further than Tunisia. This is the level of cynicism at which bipartisan US policy operates. This is not about Jews or Judaism at all, it is purely about the US imperial domination of the world, and the sooner the US left understands this the sooner it can stop wasting time on scapegoats.


If you want to understand what motivates US policy on "the Israel-Palestine conflict" you have to look at what created US Israel policy - ie. the Suez Crisis in the 1950s, and what it would mean for US and European imperialism if Egypt had a sovereign government that could veto transit through the Suez whenever it wanted. This would radically shift the global balance of power in a way that undermines the strategic chokehold Western imperialist states have on global commodity flows. It would mean the West would be forced to compete economically with other countries on a more egalitarian basis and to say the least, this would NOT be good for the imperial superprofits currently enjoyed by Western capitalists.

Dan Gilbert

Over the hill is fifty you son's of bitches!!! Fuck you!! Forty three is young actually every one knows that!!! Love the show