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So I went through past pay outs and i found out that I haven't missed out as much as I thought. I looked through and saw that I have only missed like 10 months, way better then 2 years.

Also knowing when I started making the mistake I was able to look through and see if I had posted more then one pic that month and sub track it from the total number of missed pics, which was I think zero heh. I did also go back maybe a year or so and look for instances where I did post more the one image also, If i did the math right on that it should be about 5 to 6 images I can check off the list.

there where a few extra pics I posted but they weren't made for "Patreon" they where just fun little bonuses so I didn't count them.

So yeah going from 24 needed pics to like 4 or 5 is not bad, and I will try and get two of those done this month.

thanks again for supporting me and putting up with me, it means allot ^-^


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