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You followed him, unsure, confused, and scared. The house surprised you. It was clean and decent, not like what it used to be. You could hear the sound of the television playing its loud, joyful music, and then there's the clattering of kitchenware.

A tall man walked past you and then stopped to reach down and ruffle what you believed was a younger version of Lone Man.

"Good morning, buddy! Had a nice sleep?" he asked.

"Hi dad, uh-huh," the kid replied while rubbing his eyes.

The man wore a suit quite a bit larger than his frame. He scratched his stubbled chin as he kneeled down on one knee in front of the kid to meet his eye level. He pulled something from his pocket.

"A tea bag," the kid gasped.

His dad nodded. "My boss actually told me to try this one out. It came from Wisconsin. He said this brand is what the rich people drink." He smiles at him. "I want you to try it out for me and tell me what you think."

The kid smiled. He wrapped his arms around his dad's shoulder and thanked him.

"Where are you?" The mother's voice boomed from what I assumed was the kitchen.

The dad gave him a pat on the back. "Now, go on and don't be a headache while I'm away."


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