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You didn't know you could sweat that much until you were interrogated. The thought of experiencing one has never occurred to you in your lifetime. Atlas wasn't the only one who was taken to the station; they took you too.

Without witnessing your whereabouts earlier that day, you felt like you were standing on thin ice. It is even stranger that they would treat you and Atlas as potential suspects in the case. Kristina rushed to the hospital where you and Atlas are. You two decided to visit Lucille, but, of course, that failed since they weren't letting in any non-family members into her room. As far as you know, she's still unconscious.

"This is bullshit," Atlas muttered. He rests his elbows on his knees and his palms on his forehead. "I can't wait till they get Kristina's grandma's statement. They all looked at me like I was lying the whole time."

"You're not alone," you replied, staring blankly at the white wall as nurses passed by. "Lucky for you, you have Kristina's grandma. I have no one to prove my innocence."

Atlas glanced at you. His eyes were red-rimmed. "Don't worry, if I get cleared out, then you will be too. I told them we met at the alleyway and that we were on the street," he chuckled, but it sounded hoarse, "semi-arguing."

You snickered. "Yeah."

You let out a sigh of relief until you saw Kristina from the end of the hallway, keeping up with the pace of the nurses as they transferred a bed containing none other than Kristina's grandma.


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