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The week flew by faster than you thought. The three of you were busy helping with the upcoming festival. Helping the community made you feel like you belonged. People actually started to know your name, which felt very nice since you came from a city where people hardly knew each other. The town felt like family to you.

The three of you were assigned to help make the new food stalls. After a hurricane a couple of months ago, the community's storage facilities were flooded, and everything was deemed irretrievable.

After a week, the town center felt lively and, of course, festive.

"I couldn't believe we did that," Atlas muttered in awe.

Your eyes drifted towards the protruding nails at the side of one food stall. "Well, I do."

Kristina approached the two of you carrying packs of sandwiches. "Breaktime!"

"Awesome, free food," Atlas said as he devoured his sandwich.

Although the week has helped you not to think too much about the dark events, you can't help but glance at the sky from time to time. It is true that ever since that happened, the sun in New Helios has never touched the sky. The sky always has this appearance, as if it's going to rain. Dark clouds crowded the once-blue sky. There were no signs of birds anymore.

"Did you know that some of the pets are breaking their leashes and running away from this town?" Kristina asked.


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