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You strongly refused.

Now that you've seen a glimpse of it, You shook your head and vowed that you and your family would not suffer the same fate as Lone man. That is what he would want for me, right? You asked yourself.

You watched as the vintage car drove away into the chaos.

You reached home and found your mother listening to the radio. It was probably the most worried expression you've seen on her face. It took a few calls from you to finally break her focus on the local radio station telling everyone to stay indoors.

Your mom gave you a tight embrace. "Oh my God, you're safe. Thank God."

"Dad?" you asked.

"He's safe. He's still in the neighboring town. I've called him and assured him that we are okay," she said.

You felt your gut swirl. "Mom, I think we need to get out of this place."

"What? That's... no, there's no need."

"But mom!"


Tell her it could be in the air, like an epidemic waiting to happen -- Page 164

Go to your room -- Page 185


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