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You spent the whole day looking for more information. You took breaks every now and then, only to buy food and use the restroom. You didn't realize it was time. Only when you heard a loud thud outside did you wake up from all your thoughts.

You quickly went down the spiral staircase, almost losing your footing.

The door to the main area was locked. You started banging on the door, shouting that you were still there.

After a few more bangs and dwindling hope in your heart, The door opened.

"Oops, sorry, I didn't know someone was still here," A tall guy in a uniform with the library's logo said. "Please don't tell my boss."

You let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you! I thought I was going to spend the whole evening here."

He laughed, "Oh, you definitely don't want that to happen." His smile diminished when he realized you weren't joking with him, "Yup, so let's get you out of here. It's already past closing time. My name's Atlas, by the way."


"I forgot Lucille!" (If you chose to ask her out in the previous choices) -- Page 150

Leave the library -- Page 230


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