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You decided that it was best to go home. The sun is about to set anyway. As much as you were looking forward to the adventures the forest could offer a city person like you, the darkness and the strange quietness of the place were enough to make you want to leave. You would like to go straight to your home, eat a warm dinner, and go to bed.

Maybe you'll come back tomorrow in the early hours.

The tall, luscious trees give you shade, which makes the whole area even darker. You were careful not to trip on gigantic roots or slip on moss-covered stones.

A couple of minutes went by, and you realized you weren't going anywhere. The path that you thought was the right one seemed different to you. You checked your phone again. There is no signal.

After a tiring, long walk with still no sign of civilization, you stopped to catch your breath. The sun is really about to set. You could feel your heart pumping loudly. You looked back to where you came from—everything looked strangely the same. It was as if you were just walking in circles.

You heard a twig snap.


Run away -- Go to Page 10

Investigate -- Go to Page 6


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