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About thirty minutes in, you were disappointed at how utterly peaceful the forest is. You were expecting to see blood marks, a graveyard, maybe Goldie's bones, an abandoned campsite, a severed hand, or even hear growlings—no, you shook your head, not the last part; getting mauled to death was definitely not on your list of the best ways to die.

Back to the word peaceful, the forest was very quiet, which confuses you a bit. You have never been to a more quiet place than this. No bird chirping, no wind for the leaves to rustle, no insect noises—everything was perfectly still.

The forest looked like a painting, quite literally.

The music on your phone stopped. You muttered a curse as you realized you were down to 15%. How could that be? You were sure you still had around 50% before you entered the forest.


Continue walking -- Go to Page 3.