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Yeah oh well, I singed up for this school. I hope I get to sit next to someone cool, I don't think studying was ever my strong suit, haha.
Wanna see how it's going to turn out? well get ready because I will be sharing the first page later this week, just for you all my darlings!! πŸ’›πŸ’–



Fez'zula, Beelzemon

Is it gonna be like a Japanese school hentai? And is it manga style right to left or comic left to right? how many pages or chapters? Oh I cant wait! Digi, you're just so good!


Oh hell yeah, this is gonna be exciting


School design and outfit is very inspired in that but the comic will read as your usual comic, left to right. Length isn't set in stone, it will depend on how well it does!


This is some serious Gourmet smut.


Digi, outdoing yourself again for all of us. Thank you on behalf of every supporter for giving us the best Renamon content πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›


Curious will there be oc cameos or will it just be digimon ocs