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  • Removed the Re-Mangle Function when saving (It's no longer needed and there were rare moments where it was displaying mangled text in game, too much of a headache to keep in and it's not needed whatsoever)


  • Added Special Character Support (Scrrenshot Below)

    • Maintains Controller & Official logo support within strings (WWE logo, etc)

      • Dynamically Builds a library of all special characters to be used in edited and added Strings


  • Fixed some weird bugs with Language Changing (Still experimental as I'm not able to replicate the rare issues I've seen but still cleaned up and changed a few ways the logic worked)


  • Added support to dynamically replace empty strings before adding a brand new one (Will come in handy with @iTwistedSpartan 's Super String as he left a ton of open strings for use)


    - Opens & Saves 20-24 SDB Files

    Add Single and Multiple Strings (1-50) at a time.

    - Ability to Import any type of text or spreadsheet file and it will generate all string texts within it and give it unique Hash IDs and Index IDs

    Properly Syncs with other SDBs if you want to keep your custom made one

    - Merge SDB is coded to keep custom strings intact while adding new DLC/other SDB strings in tact if possible (Tested this with Superstring), If there's something conflicting it will assign the merging String a new Hash ID

    Change Language

    - Built a Library with all of the languages in game so if someone releases a string in one particular language the tool seeks which Hash IDs in the library are translated in the selected language and it applies it for the user while keeping all new strings in the file

    Verify Structure

    - Compares the stored library of the stock Indexes, Hash IDs, strings and looks for any errors it then automatically fixes it to ensure there's no errors that carry over in game

    - Fix Database Structure in any instance a user has a corrupted SDB as we've seen in the past this function will read the stored library of the stock SDBs to fix all hashes, strings and overall structure

    - Rollback feature basically saves up to 5 changes automatically, if for some reason something catostrophic happens they'll be able to roll back, it'll verify the structure and repair where they left off

    Stored Metadata to detect the Game the SDB is from and if the file at load is Mangled or Unmangled. It doesn't matter which state it's in because it's set to save as Unmangled

    It ensures there's no duplicate entries, You can check it manually under fixes and if there are any the program fixes it when you hit save, it also cycles through the Hash IDs to make sure everything newly added is in sequential order to ensure all strings are read in game

    Theme Selection:

    - 18 Total Themes (Light & Dark)



whats this tool for?

Core Dream Studios

It's to edit the strings (TEXT) in the game without the need for Meta or if you're banned from the discovery platform.

Day Day

still can't enter the discord. this is disappointing.