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I've just uploaded the keyed version of the Ogre Figurine, now that I've printed and assembled it. It fits together pretty great, there was some sanding on the key for the right arm but that kinda comes with the territory.

Being limited by the Elegoo Mars' width I could only get a print the size of a coke can, but it looks and feels great. I've also primed the Ogre mini which has brought out some of the details, check the images for comparisons. It's pictured with the special rocky base which is available in the respective dropbox links for patrons.

Hopefully later I'll post an image of the Ogre Beserker I'm working on. As usual any feedback is great and if you print anything from these files then I'd love to see them :)




Looks great, love your style. Hopefully you will create some non-monsters with the same sort of physique, maybe with slightly bigger legs/feet. Perhaps a warforged juggernaut or a bear totem barbarian.


Thanks demonwombatofdoom, I plan on doing all sorts over time :D