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These episodes were so funny that I was legit crying of laughter. Most people know by now that 'scream in silence' is one of my absolute favourite games to watch and this lived up to it's reputation hahahahaha

Wonwoo and DK had me legit WHEEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't laughed this much in so long hahahaha

I feel bad for Hoshi having to go on the wine tour when he doesn't drink. He was so excited to go on the hot balloon 😢😢😢😢😢

Can't wait for the next episodes!!! 



Sienna May

Wonwoo and DK were hilarious. Not sure if anyone realised this but, one thing that people rarely mention is how RELIEVED Mingyu was in the beginning to NOT go back to Korea (and they were already out of Korea at the time 😂😂) there must be a reason why his dream is to live in America lmao